From the DesMoines
You can eat your way to healthier vision. Certain foods are naturally designed to maintain eye health and may have an important role in keeping your eyes healthy and protecting them from age-related eye diseases. As we live longer, vision-related problems affecting older Americans increase. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) affects one in three people over age 25 and is the leading cause of blindness in older Americans. Carrots are probably the first food to come to mind when thinking about foods good for your eyes. But there are other vegetables also rich in vision-enhancing nutrients, such as lutein, that top the list.
Spinach: One of the best food sources for lutein is spinach. Lutein and zeaxanthin may slow the progression of and possibly improve AMD and the development of cataracts. Lutein in cooked spinach is absorbed more easily than in raw spinach. Dark leafy green and gold foods, including spinach, kale, corn, collard greens, broccoli, squash and eggs, contain lutein and zeaxanthin.
Kale: Along with being a rich source of vitamin A and lutein, kale provides several other sight-saving nutrients, including vitamins C and B6. Kale is an excellent source of vitamin C, which has been shown to reduce the risk of cataracts and AMD. New studies also have found B vitamins, include B6, may help lower the risk of AMD.
Squash: Another super food for your eyes is winter squash, such as butternut squash. One serving (1 cup) of squash provides 300 percent of the daily value for vitamin A. Vitamin A has been found to help lessen the risk of AMD and cataracts. One study reported up to a 43 percent lower risk for AMD in people who consumed a high intake of vitamin A. Try frozen squash, found in the frozen vegetable section, when squash is not in season.
Sweet potatoes: If you eat sweet potatoes only at Thanksgiving, you might want to consider adding this eye-healthy food to your diet year-round. Sweet potato is one the best foods you can eat to obtain vitamin A. One serving (medium-size sweet potato), gives you 360 percent of the daily value for vitamin A. When sweet potatoes are not an option, try sweet potato fries. Sweet potato fries are available in the frozen food section, and one serving of these tasty fries gives you 100 percent of your daily need for vitamin A.