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Saturday, April 3, 2010

A word about fit

Your new eyeglasses have been sent to you adjusted by our Opticians to a standard fit. They have been adjusted to fit the average face—but they may need a slight adjustment to meet your particular face.

Too tight or loose? Temple pieces can be bent in or out.

Temples too long or short? The curve behind the ear can be adjusted up or down, in or out.

Too high or low? Nose pads can go in or out, up or down.

You can make most of these adjustments carefully yourself or just take your new eyeglasses to most any nearby optical shop and the skilled Optician there will make them for you—in most cases at no or a minimal charge.

Don’t forget to stop by our learning center where we answer many questions about your new eyeglasses—we even have videos explaining many of the adjustments and repairs you can make yourself.

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